This three-fold ministry is being developed for Africa to provide an opportunity for kids to experience knowing God through Christ, be discipled and to be active in Christian service.
The purpose and plan God has for children in Africa is to bring His glory to their nation as they walk in His light using their gifts and talents to embrace the challenges of life where God placed them to impact their family, friends, school, community, nation and nations in the world with God’s love and truth. To be a V-Factor for God’s Kingdom, a voice and vessel God can use and to live a victorious life.
The goals for this ministry are to establish effective children’s ministries, child evangelism programs and children’s prayer network.
The strategies are to train children’s workers, parents and prayer mobilizers nation wide to reach children with the gospel and teach them God’s Word and to be their role-models and mentors following Christ.
And to develop an effective leadership structure in the local churches to embrace children’s needs:
-Children’s Ministry Leader and Coworker
-Child Evangelist and Coworker
-Children’s Prayer Network Leaders and Coworker
Your youth and children will be taught to strengthen their faith in God, to be established in the Lordship of Christ, and to walk in the Spirit. They will be trained, equipped, and released to be praying the WORD OF GOD. “WORLD CHANGERS” – The Young Prayer Warriors are the world’s greatest hope for such a time as this – Children & Youth in our churches, moving swiftly, praying fervently. They will have authoritative voices, their eyes reflecting the fire of God, their very beings powerfully full of His presence. Praying, Praying! One child may stand before the congregation and expound the Word of God with wisdom far beyond his years. Yet another might come forth in mighty intercession. One after another would pray, interprets, preach, prophesy, teach, and intercede with a profusion of God’s power flowing through them. Miracles, signs and wonders will follow, as people will fall to their knees, weeping, confessing their sins, being healed, and being set free.
African Continent - Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia,
Namibia, South Africa, ESwatini (Swaziland), Mozambique, Zimbabwe,
Island Nations - Madagascar, Mauritius, Rodriques, , Reunion,
Originally from South Africa, Althea was licensed and ordained as minister through the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, North Carolina, USA. She is currently working in 16 Southern African nations as coordinator of Children's Ministry. These countries include the 5 Islands and 11 counties in Southern Africa. She is also a Child Evangelist and an instructor of children’s ministry and child evangelism, a prayer trainer and mobilizer of strategic prayer leaders. Project and program coordinator. Althea says, "My mission is to reach all kids for Christ through training as many strategic children’s workers as possible.
Learn more about Rev. Althea Meyer - click the YouTube link below:
Rev. Althea Meyer
Missionary World Missions Ministry
International Pentecostal Holiness Church
Co-Coordinator of Children’s Ministries
IPHC HQ 15 Peg Street, Wentworth Park Krugersdorp 1739E-Mail:
P. O. Box 36 Krugersdorp 1740 SOUTH AFRICA